Yearly Archives: 2013

October is National Special Needs Law Month

Did you know that October is National Special Needs Law month? Special Needs Law is the area of law dedicated to assisting disabled individuals and their families with legal planning designed to help improve their quality of life. Sometimes, this can involve creating certain types of trusts designed in such a way that their contents are not [...]

2017-07-20T21:19:53-04:00October 1st, 2013|

Naturally Occurring Retirement Communities

I grew up on a small shady street in a suburb of New York City. The neighborhood was comprised of less than a dozen single-family homes, and everyone knew everyone. There were no secrets, but there was a strong sense of community. Even as a child, I could feel it. The residents of School Street [...]

2017-07-20T21:19:53-04:00July 8th, 2013|

Amendments and Restatements and Codicils, Oh My!

I am often asked by clients considering changes to their estate planning whether it is better to start over from scratch, or to modify what is already in place. As with most things, it depends. First, a few definitions: When someone has a Trust, a change to the trust may take the form of either [...]

2017-07-20T21:19:53-04:00July 1st, 2013|

Wills and Trusts 101

Do you know the difference between a Will and a Trust? Which do you need? Do you need both? Neither? Knowing the difference could save your family thousands of dollars and months of headaches. The chart below just scratches the surface. LAST WILL AND TESTAMENT Pro “Set-it-and-forget-it” — you need [...]

2017-07-20T21:19:53-04:00May 10th, 2013|

Caring for Aging Parents

According to “Double Jeopardy for Baby Boomers,” a recent study by MetLife, the number of adults who provide care to aging parents is on the rise, more than tripling from 1994 to 2008. In 1994, 3 percent of men and 9 percent of women age 50 and over were caring for parents. In 2008, 17 [...]

2017-07-20T21:19:53-04:00May 10th, 2013|
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